Love and Passion
Alpay Jewellery
Love and Passion
Alpay Jewellery



In line with the ALPAY GROUP mission and vision, corporate goals and strategies and business plans, applications related to human resources systems that will lead the company to its future goals are carried out.


Employment of qualified employees who are experienced in their fields and compliant with the company's ethical principles protocol and who are planned and defined in line with the company's short and long-term business plans is ensured.


Performance evaluation of ALPAY GROUP employees is carried out in relation to the goals determined in line with the company's goals and strategies. Performance evaluation results are used in the employee's training, development and career plans and are taken into account in promotions and assignments.


A recognition and reward system is implemented that rewards the work outputs and achievements of ALPAY GROUP employees, provides motivation for the employee and supports high performance.


The training needs of ALPAY GROUP employees are determined in line with the business goals and expected competencies and training and development plans are carried out.


Necessary studies are carried out to measure and improve employee satisfaction and take actions.


You can follow the open positions in ALPAY GROUP, our Head Office and stores from portal and apply from this portal

You can apply by sending your resume to to benefit from job opportunities in ALPAY GROUP.