Love and Passion
Alpay Jewellery
Love and Passion
Alpay Jewellery



Membership Agreement and Terms of Service Use


1. Parties and Subject of the Agreement:


This membership agreement (“Agreement”) is between Alpay Group Construction Jewelry and Foreign Trade Limited Company (“Alpay Group”) located at Maslak Mah. Büyükdere Cad. Noramin İş Merkezi No:237 Kat:1 D:112 Sarıyer/İSTANBUL and the “Member” who has defined his/her identity (name-surname, TR identity number) and contact information (address, e-mail address, mobile phone number) on the (web site address will be written) website in the system before accepting this “Agreement”. The “Agreement” has been prepared for the “Member” to use the website, to determine the terms and conditions regarding membership and to determine the “Member’s terms of use”. “Member”, by becoming a member of the “Site”, accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has read, understood and approved all provisions of this “Agreement”.


2. Definitions


Title: Alpay Group İnşaat Kuyumculuk ve Dış Ticaret Anonim Şirketi


“Site”: named website


“Member”: The real or legal person who has been granted the authority to perform transactions on the “Site” by accepting this agreement and defining a password and username for those who meet the conditions specified in this “Agreement” and the “Site”,


“Agreement”: Membership and Privacy Agreement for the website


3. Membership and Service Usage Terms


3.1. Membership is completed by filling out the membership form required to become a "Member" from the relevant section of the "Site" by the real or legal person, providing identity information, confirming the accuracy of identity information, completing the registration process and having the registration process approved by "Alpay Group". The right and authority to become a "Member" defined in this "Agreement" cannot be acquired without completing the membership process.


3.2. "In order to become a "Member" of the Site, it is necessary to be of legal age, to be authorized to represent and bind the legal entity for legal entity members, and not to have been temporarily suspended from membership or indefinitely banned from membership by Alpay Group within the scope of this "Agreement". Applications made through persons who are minors or legal entity members who are not authorized to represent and bind the legal entity or applications made by persons who have been temporarily suspended from membership or whose membership has been suspended; indefinitely banned from membership by Alpay Group within the scope of this "Agreement" as stated above, prevent the use of the rights arising from membership even if the "Site" registration procedures have been completed.


3.3. Alpay Group may terminate this "Agreement" unilaterally at any time without giving any reason, without making any notification and without any obligation to pay any compensation and with immediate effect and "may terminate or temporarily suspend the Member's membership without terminating the Agreement". The decisions of termination, termination of membership and suspension of membership specified in this article shall be made by Alpay Group at its own discretion in the event of a complete violation of this “Agreement”, violation of the rules specified on the “site”, determination by Alpay Group that the Member’s transactions or the situation arising as a result of their transactions constitute a risk in accordance with the Alpay Group information security system or Alpay Group’s commercial decisions or assessment by Alpay Group that the situation arising constitutes a legal risk.


4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties:


4.1. The “Member” accepts, declares and undertakes that all personal and other information provided while becoming a member of the website is correct before the law and that Alpay Group will compensate all damages it may incur due to the inaccuracy of this information in full and immediately. The “Member” irrevocably accepts that the “Agreement” may be terminated unilaterally by Alpay Group without the need for any notice or warning in the event of providing false information.


4.2. The “Member” cannot give the password given to him/her by Alpay Group to other persons or organizations, “The Member has the right to use the password in question. The e-mail address given during registration is specific to the “Member” and has the opportunity to create a single membership. “Members are responsible for all negligence and faults regarding the security of the “user name” and “password”, keeping it safe from third parties, using it by themselves, etc. and for any damages that may be incurred or may be incurred by other “Members”, Alpay Group and/or third parties. For this reason, against all liability that may arise and against all claims and demands that may be put forward against Alpay Group by third parties or authorized authorities, Alpay Group reserves the right to claim any and all compensation and other claims arising from such unauthorized use.

4.3. The “Member” accepts and undertakes in advance that he/she will act in accordance with all the terms, rules/declarations and applicable legal regulations in this “Agreement” while using the website, performing membership transactions, benefiting from the “Site” services and performing any transaction related to the services on the “Site”, and that he/she understands and approves all the terms and rules specified, and that he/she will abide by these rules and not violate them. Otherwise, the “Member” will be responsible for all legal and criminal liabilities that will arise.


4.4. Alpay Group reserves the right to change the content of the “Site” at any time, to change or terminate any service provided to users or to store or delete user information and data registered on the Alpay Group website.


4.5. The “Member” cannot use the website in any way that disrupts public order, is against general morality, disturbs and harasses others, for an illegal purpose, or infringes on the intellectual and copyrights of others. In addition, the “Member” cannot engage in activities and processes that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services (spam, virus, Trojan horse, etc.).


4.6. The “Member” accepts and undertakes not to copy, reproduce, publish, or market any information, documents, software, designs, graphics, text, visuals, videos, etc. and any content on, all rights of which belong to Alpay Group. These cannot be used, acquired, or changed without permission by the “Member”. Each "Member" accepts and undertakes that they will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process the images, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs and lists on the "Site" that would constitute an infringement on the real or personal rights and assets of Alpay Group and/or another third party, or upload the contents specified in this article to the "Site" in a way that may lead to such results; and that they will not compete directly and/or indirectly with Alpay Group, either through these actions or through other means. The legal and criminal liabilities of the members in every transaction and action they perform on the "Site" belong to them.


4.7. Alpay Group will not be responsible for the reading of the "Member" data by unauthorized persons and any damages that may occur to the "Member" software and data. The "Member" has accepted in advance not to claim compensation from Alpay Group for any damages it may suffer due to the use of the website.


4.8. The “Member” has agreed not to access or use the software and data of other internet users without permission. Otherwise, the legal and penal liabilities arising from this shall be entirely the responsibility of the member.


4.9. The “Member” who violates one or more of the articles listed in this “Agreement” shall be personally and legally liable for this violation, and Alpay Group shall hold them harmless from the legal and penal consequences of these violations. In addition; if the incident is brought to the legal field due to this violation, Alpay Group reserves the right to claim compensation against the “Member” for non-compliance with the “Agreement”.


4.10. The person who becomes a “Member” of declares and accepts that he/she is allowed to be offered product and service promotions, advertisements, campaigns, advantages, surveys and other customer satisfaction applications by Alpay Group and all affiliated companies within the scope of the current and/or future applications. The “Member” declares and accepts that he/she allows the collection of personal and shopping information and shopping and/or consumer behavior information that he/she has provided in the past and/or will provide in the future while becoming a member of and/or through other means, to be shared with Alpay Group and all affiliated companies, and to be used and archived by Alpay Group and all affiliated companies for the above purposes. Alpay Group may use the contents uploaded by the Members on the "Site" or the "Member" information regarding membership in any way it wishes for the security of the Member, fulfillment of its own obligations and some statistical evaluations. It may classify and store these on a database. Unless the "Member" states otherwise, it declares and accepts that it allows Alpay Group and all affiliated companies to contact it using communication channels such as the internet, telephone, SMS etc. The "Member" declares and accepts that it will not claim any direct and/or indirect material and/or moral negative and/or positive damages due to the collection, sharing, use, archiving and access to the above-mentioned information and that it will not hold Alpay Group and its affiliated companies responsible. If the "Member" wishes to change its data sharing preferences, it may forward this request to Alpay Group customer service call centers.

4.11. Alpay Group is authorized to send information e-mails to the e-mail addresses and information SMSs to the mobile phones of its members registered with it, in accordance with this “Agreement”, and the member will be deemed to have accepted the sending of information e-mails to his/her e-mail address and information SMSs to his/her mobile phone by approving this “Agreement”. If the “Member” wishes to stop receiving e-mails and/or SMS, they can perform the “cancellation of e-mail and/or SMS sending” process.


4.12. Alpay Group may use the personal information of members in order to provide better service to its users, improve its products and services, and facilitate the use of the site in studies targeting the special preferences and interests of its users. Alpay Group reserves the right to keep a record of the actions of the member on the website.


4.13. may temporarily suspend or completely stop the operation of the system at any time. Alpay Group shall have no liability to members or third parties due to the temporary suspension or complete suspension of the system.


4.14. Measures have been taken within the available means to ensure that the Alpay Group website is free from viruses and similar software. In addition, in order to ensure ultimate security, the user must provide his/her own virus protection system and provide the necessary protection. In this context, by entering the Alpay Group website, the member is deemed to have accepted that he/she is responsible for all errors that may occur in his/her own software and operating systems and their direct or indirect consequences.


4.15. sales are limited to stocks. may not deliver products that are not in stock, may cancel the order and refund the order amount to the customer's account. The display of products in the virtual store does not necessarily mean that the products in question are in stock at or Alpay Group stores. has the exclusive right to change the price and product feature information of the products offered for sale at In the event of an error in the price and product feature information, may correct the error and deliver the product or cancel the order and refund the order amount to the customer's account, provided that it has the exclusive right to choose.


4.16. Alpay Group may make changes in the implementation of this Agreement, update, repeal, change existing articles or add new articles for the purpose of future technical necessities and compliance with legislation. Each changed, updated or repealed provision shall be effective for all members on the date of publication. may convert services that do not require membership into a status that requires membership over time, open additional services, partially or completely change some of its services or convert them into paid services.


5. Resolution of Disputes:


5.1. “Member” accepts and undertakes that in disputes that may arise from the “Agreement”, Alpay Group’s commercial book records, microfilm, microfiche and computer records shall constitute valid, binding, definitive and exclusive evidence within the meaning of Articles 193 and ff of the HMK and that this article is in the nature of an evidence contract. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it waives in advance any objection to Alpay Group records and the right to swear that they are kept in accordance with the procedure.


5.2. In case of any disputes that may arise regarding this “Agreement”, the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied first, and in cases where there is no provision, the current legislation of the Republic of Turkey shall be applied.


5.3. Istanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Offices shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes that may arise from the implementation of this Agreement.


6. Waiver


Alpay Group’s failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or authority it has within the scope of the Agreement shall not mean that it has waived that right or authority, and the sole or partial exercise of a right or authority shall not prevent the subsequent exercise of that or another right or authority.


7. Duration of the Agreement


This “Agreement” shall enter into force as of the moment the Membership transaction is completed by the “Member” providing his/her personal information in the relevant section of the “Site”, approving this “Agreement” through the “Site” and completing the activation via the link sent to the e-mail address provided during registration. This “Agreement” shall remain in force indefinitely from the date of entry into force until Alpay Group cancels the “Member’s” membership or terminates the services offered on the Site.,

8. Notification


The parties accept and undertake that the addresses specified during the membership process are their legal notification addresses, and that any notifications to these addresses will have all the legal consequences of legally valid notification unless the address change is notified to the other party in writing at the latest on the date of change.


9. Enforcement and Termination of the Agreement:


“Member’s registration as a member means that the member has read and accepted all the articles in the Agreement. This Agreement” has been concluded and mutually entered into force at the moment the Member becomes a member. This “Agreement” will remain in force until the “Member cancels their membership or the membership is canceled by Alpay Group.




Alpay Group has the right to request certain personal information from the “Member” (name, age, areas of interest, e-mail, etc.) in order to provide better service to its customers.


This information collected on Alpay Group servers is used only within Alpay Group for periodic campaign studies, designing special promotional activities for customer profiles and customer "classification" studies to prevent unwanted e-mails from being sent.


Alpay Group never shares the information it collects from membership forms with third parties without the knowledge or instruction of the "Member" in question, does not use it for commercial purposes for any reason other than its activities and does not sell it.


Alpay Group analyzes and interprets the visitor movements and preferences it monitors during the use of the site, in addition to the personal information it requests in e-mail addresses and membership forms.


This statistical data, which does not contain personal information, can be shared with Alpay Group affiliates and business partners in order to provide a more special and effective shopping experience for Alpay Group "Members".


Member information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is requested by official authorities in accordance with the procedure and in cases where it is obliged to make a statement to official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force. “Only the “Member” can access all information entered into the system by the member and only the “Member” can change this information. It is not possible for someone else to access and change this information.


When the “Member” wants to be removed from Alpay Group’s daily e-mail list, they have the right to easily exit the e-bulletin membership with a single click by clicking on the “Please click to exit our e-bulletin list” link at the bottom of the e-mails sent by Alpay Group.


The credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the servers of Alpay Group or the companies that provide services to it in any way in order to keep the security of the “Member” who shops on the site at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are carried out between the bank and the “Member’s computer through the Alpay Group interface.


In addition, high security encryption is applied all over the world for the security of your personal information and account at Alpay Group The information is encrypted and completely prevented from falling into the hands of 3rd parties. The card information used in payment transactions is never recorded in the Alpay Group system.


Every day: 09:00-18:00; for any questions; or 0212 528 88 78 call center, you can reach Alpay Group customer relations center and share all your requests and opinions. Alpay Group customer satisfaction policy and solution-oriented service mission requires us to state that it will be pleased and honored to help all its customers, especially its “Members” and receive their opinions.



Maslak Mah. Büyükdere Cad. Noramin Business Center No:237 Floor:1 D:112 Sarıyer/İSTANBUL